Upon possessing a young woman named Meg Masters (Nicki Aycox), the demon assumes her name and tracks down series protagonist Sam Winchester in the first season episode "Scarecrow". The two briefly meet while hitchhiking Sam left his brother Dean to track down their missing father John and then again at a bus station.

Supernatural: 10 Episodes That Are Actually Terrifying

8 "Skin" - S1, EP 6.
7 "Family Remains" - S4, EP 11.
6 "Asylum" - S1, EP 10.
5 "Soul Survivor" - S10, EP 3.
4 "Everybody Loves a Clown" - S2, EP 2.
3 "Bloody Mary" - S1, EP 5.
2 "No Exit" - S2, EP 6.
1 "The Benders" - S1, EP 15.

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