Sea Scouting is a coed program, girls and boys, ages 14-21. Sea Scouting promotes activities on the water from motor boating all the way down to building a vessel, maritime history, T.P.S.T.E.A.M (STEM), program, and provides a great program of opportunities for anyone.
Adventure on the Water
Adventure on the Water
High Adventure for Older Youth
High Adventure for Older Youth
​​Our program provides an excellent high adventure program that provides an enjoyable experience for all, from the youth to the adults. Our program takes us around United States of America as well as outside, from Washington State all the way down to The Spanish Virgin Islands, even up the mountains in Arcadia National Forest. We also offer sailing trips at almost every meeting we have. There is also Sea Scout Regattas in the area we join in to compete with other Ships and Crews, including one that is internationally recognized that has Scouts from all over the world join in the competition.

Sail Towards Special Awards
Sail Towards Special Awards
In Sea Scouts we also provide a program for special awards. These awards can be within certain skills for example Scuba, or Board sailing. Some awards are for services given to the community while some can be awards to prepare oneself for the future.
Sail to Quartermaster
Sail to Quartermaster
In Sea Scouts, we have four ranks: Apprentice, Ordinary, Able, and Quartermaster. Each rank has requirement have certain requirements for the Scouts to rank up in our program, while each rank has certain skills that Scout will learn. Each of these skills can be leadership, maritime history, or even yacht racing. Later down the road these ranks can help Scouts join any maritme military services, maritime jobs, or even skills to be used outside of the maritime community.

American Boaters Club, USPS
American Boaters Club, USPS

USPS Raymond A. Finley, Jr. Sea Scout Service Award (Finley Award)
USPS Raymond A. Finley, Jr. Sea Scout Service Award (Finley Award)
The United States Power Squadrons, USPS (d.b.a. America’s Boating Club, ABC) offers a Community Service Award, recognized as a medal by the USPS/ABC and Square Knot by the BSA known in short as the Finley Award or Sea Scout Finley Award. This is the ONLY Community Service Square Knot that can be earned by both youth and adult providing service to both organizations (i.e. USPS/ABC and BSA Sea Scouts). From the youth side, they must earn the Quartermaster Rank and provide some service to the USPS/ABC, while the adult must provide service to both organizations and complete a series of courses considered sufficient to bring the adult to an educational level making them confident to train the youth and adults in their charge and be comfortable operating vessels on the water. The USPS/ABC Educational Proficiency Certificate leads the adult to this success level and includes courses, Seamanship, Piloting, Advance Piloting and two electives (recommended electives are Weather, Engine Maintenance, or Cruise Planning).

Sail to Supernova
Sail to Supernova
In the ship Scouts can work towards the Supernova award. In order to do this the Scouts will first need to earn a few Nova awards prior to start the Supernova Award program. In the end the Scout will earn three medals, each being a certain part of the T.P.S.T.E.A.M program.
About T.P.S.T.E.A.M
About T.P.S.T.E.A.M
This program is designed to introduce and encourage the study of T.P.S.T.E.A.M by all Scouts. This program has been around since Scouting started and Scouting helps teaching these skills to further the Scouts into the understanding of these fields, using our program. In our Ship (as well as the district) we also help Scouts look into trades, professions, and arts to help Scouts interest in the work field.
Local Partners
Local Partners
Locally our ship is partnered with a couple of organizations that help provide our training program, slippage, as well as help provide us skills that we can learn from them. Some of these organizations are United States Power Squadron District 22, United States Power Squadron St. Petersburg, Eckerd College, Greater Tampa Bay Area Council (GTBAC) BSA, and ASA (American Sailing Association).
National Partners
National Partners
In Sea Scouting, nationally we have a multitude of organizations that are helping provide a great program for both youth and adults. These organizations help provide our training, locations, job opportunities or even help any Scout or Scout obtain certain qualifications. To look at this list please click the Partner button to see the national partner list.