The Sea Scouts were started in 1912. Although the program has changed over the years,it continues to uphold the traditions of the sea under the Boy Scouts of America.
There are many routes you can take in Sea Scouts. You can become a leader, taking charge of a crew for several days underway. You can work up the ranks and do behind the scenes administrative duties. You can become proficient in one specific thing (sail handling, for instance). All of this and more can happen. Below is a link if the path one of our scouts decided to take, the leadership path, which landed him on USCGC Barque EAGLE.
We meet Monday's 6:30 PM (1830 hrs) and 8:30 PM (2030 hrs). We alternate sailing the Knot Knormal and the Bonne Femme. Usually the last Monday of the month we go out for a social night. This means we got out to a restaurant and have dinner. This is a great opportunity to get to meet the ship members.
Comments from Youth Participants